
I'm salivating at the thought...

My sympathetic other is experimenting with VMware's new Mac OS X version of their wonderful virtualization software... which gets me to thinkin'

  • Apple migrates from PPC to Intel CPU
  • OS X is ported along with
  • VMware is developed for OS X
  • OS X is able to be virtualized
  • OS X is usable virtualized on Linux / Windows running under VMware on Intel hardware!

The {man} could put the kibosh on the deal of course, by say... requiring the Host PC to run OS X for instance, or hitting Apple hardware's firmware directly in some way. Worse perhaps by using a VM format specific to the OS X version(s) of the VMware software.

With rumors of Parallels or Parallels-like functionality being part of the upcoming Mac OS X Leopard, this might be more than idle mouth-flapping since it makes you wonder why either Apple or VMware would want to bother... unless it's to get OS X on PC's in virtual glory.

Hard to see how it could factor into a master plan, but it's an interesting possibility.


This silence is deafening

I am at work today writing documentation and setting up VMware clients. The office is about half empty and is much quieter than usual. The time between Christmas and New Year's Eve is one of my favorite times of the year with everyone's schedules temporarily cleared and the world in a state somewhere between work day and weekend.

I especially like the morning and evening commute courtesy of OC Transpo. Fewer bodies but more apparent desire to be elsewhere. Buses should have cocktail carts.

I don't like winter this year. Everything I want to do needs to wait until spring. Well, except for skating on the canal at night, but that is a few more weeks away. It's a good time to woodshed some Perl scripting and Rush songs though.